The main point of this article
addresses the study of how technology transforms the learning environment in
the language arts classroom. According
to the author, Colette Bennett, many studies have collected data on how technology
is used in the math or science classroom and its value. Bennett suggests that studies need to be
broadened to include the language arts classroom.
argues that technology has contributed to gains in skills and motivation in the
language arts. Blogs or wikis have
opened up students to an authentic audience.
Students are able to edit and collaborate online. Students are even able to create surveys and
respond to the data collected.
provides an example of a teacher using Edmodo in the classroom to gain “sophisticated”
response to a writing prompt about Romeo
and Juliet. An assignment was posted
along with the results of a survey on arranged marriages that both students and
their parents took, using Google forms.
Students were asked to read a scene from the play and synthesize the
data in response to how the characters Romeo and Juliet reacted to Juliet’s arranged
marriage. Bennett then included three
examples from the students that show “sophisticated” responses, and then ended
the article with the plea that studies on effective technology use need to include
the English classroom.
I feel
it is important to study the gains technology can make in the English
classroom. Currently at my school, we
have technology available for all students to carry with them to each
subject. Because using various programs
and apps is fairly new to my discipline, studies on using technology in the ELA
classroom are in the beginning stages.
From my own experience, I am optimistic about using various digital
platforms for reading and writing support, so I am definitely interested in what
these studies have to say. I agree with
Bennett that using technology in the English classroom can definitely deviate
from the traditional use of the drills that were part of using digital media in
the past.
This kind of reminded me of the conversation we had the other day in class, and I felt that my class was so dull because I don't feel as if I can go to that higher level of thinking with 3rd and 4th graders. I think that I am wanting to do more of these kinds of things in my classroom but that just isn't my job:). I definitely think that technology can really bring students' voices out more than actually conversating out loud and it can be a very powerful tool!!!