Sunday, November 23, 2014

Your Fourth Grader and Technology

I haven't ever come across an article like this. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but the article was basically telling me what a 4th grade student should be able to use and do on the computer. It ranged from word processing to creating, or typing to research. It provided a list and description of what a typical 4th grade classroom should look like who has implemented technology. There was a lot of variety between programs to be familiar with and skills the kids should have.

My favorite paragraph is below:

"To get the maximum benefit from technology, the best classrooms incorporate technology into regular lessons that develop students' higher-order thinking skills, promote creativity and facilitate learning. Your child's teacher may also use technology to evaluate students' progress."

This relates to what we have talked about in almost every class through this program so far. I couldn't help but compare my classroom to the expectations this article is displaying. I feel like though I could always do more, I meet most of these standards. It is nice to see something like this laid out and easy to read. We are all doing whatever makes sense to us in the way of implementation, so I appreciated that someone wrote a measurable list that they felt was appropriate for 4th grade. 

I wish I knew more of the implementation in our school. I can honestly say I have no idea what other teachers are doing with technology. I was thinking more about this list, and it would be great if we could meet as a group or even as a grade level and establish a basic list similar to this. It would help our school and grade levels get on the same page as to what they think the minimum or even typical classroom should look like who are implementing technology. Maybe it would seem more manageable to some because expectations are out there in a clear and concise way?


  1. I think that would be a great thing: what are other teachers using in their classrooms? They all have the same devices, so how are they using them efficiently and effectively at their grade level? Since Goodfield and Congerville only have one of each grade in their buildings, it would be nice to create (maybe even a Google doc) to see what they use for the various topics they have to teach! Many times at lunch, someone will say "I used my smartboard to do this..." And everyone is immediately intrigued! I think we all learn best by seeing what our colleagues have done and since it was successful for them, we are more apt to do it!!

  2. I also think that would be a great idea! There are times when I don't even see a different grade level during the day besides my own level, let alone know what they are using in their classrooms! I think it would be interesting to see what other teachers are using and how they are integrating technology or with some, not using it at all! I also think this would be a great insight for parents to know what is expected of their child and what their grade level will be doing as far as technology goes!
