The main focus of this article is about the effectiveness of technology in the classroom. The article talks about how it is in the teachers and parents hands to make the use of technology meaningful and effective both at home and in the classroom. It discusses how many kids nowadays tend to gravitate towards technology so why not use that as an advantage and incorporate that into teaching. All of the information in this article is important because technology is constantly changing and is not going away any time soon, so instead of sitting back and continuing with old ways, why not embrace it and use it to its full potential?
I agree with this article because I do think there are several advantages to incorporating technology into the classroom. The article talks about how educators need to be educated in the technology they are using as well as teaching the students the appropriate uses. I completely agree that if teachers are receiving technology to use in their classrooms, then they first need to be educated in how to use it before being expected to use it in their classrooms. I think so often today school districts have these great ideas with several different forms of technology but provide little or no training for the teachers on how to use them. Teachers are just expected to know or learn for themselves and I think this is in part, why so many teachers are hesitant to try technology in their classrooms. The article also discusses that in order to successfully maximize children's tech time, parents also need to be involved and educated. I completely agree with this as well. I think more parents would be on board with technology if they knew how it was being used in the classroom and how they can use it to its full potential at home as well.
I think my school district does a great job in trying to encourage teachers to incorporate technology into the classrooms and has given us several different resources to use. I think we are headed in the right direction as far as technology goes, but I still think there are several teachers, at least in my building, who are not taking advantage of the various types of technology. I do think it is important to stress that technology should not replace the teacher, but should be used to enhance the students learning. I think the teachers in my building are not using it because they are not sure how to use it and implement it into their classrooms. My district does have early dismissals on Wednesdays once a month for staff development, but aren't really given time to learn and explore these new technologies being introduced. Each classroom teacher was given five iPad for their classrooms and there are teachers who use them solely for the internet and does not have a single app on the iPad for students to use. I think this is happening because teachers were not trained on how to use them or implement them. We were simply given them and expected to just go with it. Some teachers have no problems using them and implementing them but others are not using them at all. I think more teachers would be on board if they had proper training and were shown the endless possibilities on how to use them with their students. I think during our Wednesday early dismissal if we set a certain amount of time aside for a grade level or group of teachers to present an app of the month or show a way they are using them in the classroom, more teachers would be on board with using them in their classrooms.
Others thoughts, as mentioned earlier, technology is constantly changing, and instead of being apprehensive and afraid of these changes, why tackle them head on and find ways to use them for the better. Time is of the essence though, and in order for technology to continue to be an advantage in schools, districts need to set aside time for teachers to learn these new advances, have time to explore with others and have the proper training.
Maggie, I totally agree that a huge barrier to the use of technology in the classroom is the lack of training. I would love it if we could have some sort of exchange program with other schools in the area where we each would teach the other new ways to use technology. Our schools do offer time to kind of learn new technology, but often times there is always something "more important" to work on. We need specific cooperative learning events where we place importance on learning new technology.